Congratulations for taking the step to improve patient safety through the use of the TeamSTEPPS framework. Years of case studies and a robust evidence base show that success is possible when a commitment from the top is made to TeamSTEPPS.
<aside> 👩🏽‍⚕️ Turn your teams of experts into an expert team!
This page was created to share with attendees of TeamSTEPPS courses taught by Master Trainers from the Tulane School of Medicine. TeamSTEPPS is an open source framework of materials that you are free to teach to your organization as is, or customize. The materials we share with course attendees can all be found on this page.
Does your organization need more Master Trainers? Does your staff need a refresh of TeamSTEPPS to reboot your program? Sometimes its more efficient and effective to have trainers come to you and run a customized session(s) to meet your organization’s needs.
TeamSTEPPS Readiness Assessment Form.pdf
TeamSTEPPS Preparing for Training.pdf
Complete our TeamSTEPPS Readiness Assessment Form, which includes space to explain your needs and send to us. Our Director will reach out to you to discuss options.
American Hospital Association Team Training website
American Hospital Association Team Training Mighty Network - learn and collaborate with others
These slides are the current version of TeamSTEPPS “as is”. You are free to customize as needed.